Rivers in India

India is the country of river, where people worship the river. The most of rivers in India come from Himalaya. The Ganga is the holy river of India, people called "Mata" (mother). The India's river is the significance of country civilization and culture. Indians have worshipped rivers as a form of Mother Goddess from ancient times. Here the list of major river of India.

List of Rivers

  • Beas

  • Bhagirathi

  • Brahmaputra

  • Cauvery (Kaveri) .

  • Chambal

  • Ganga (Ganges) .

  • Godavari

  • Gomati

  • Indus

  • Jhelum

  • Kali

  • Krishna

  • Mandovi

  • Narmada

  • Periyar

  • Ravi

  • Sharavati

  • Sutlej

  • Tapti

  • Tungabhadra

  • Yamuna