Supreme Court of India

Information About Supreme Court of india-Delhi,IndiaThe Supreme Court of India is the described in the Part V, Chapter IV of the Constitution of India. According to the Indian Constitution the supreme court of India, is the guardian of the Constitution. The Supreme court is highest court and it is also highest level of appeal. In 28th January 1950 the Indian supreme Court came in existence.

According under Article 76 the Attorney General for India is appointed by the president of India. There are three types of advocates who van work in supreme court, are senior advocate, advocates on record and other who are member of any bar of India. Honorable Mr. Justice K.G. Balakrishnan is the chief justice of India appointed on 14th Jan.2007.

List of Chief Justice of India

  • H. J. Kania

  • M. P. Sastri

  • M. C. Mahajan

  • B. K. Mukherjea

  • S. R. Das

  • B. P. Sinha

  • P. B. Gajendragadkar

  • A. K. Sarkar

  • K. Subba Rao

  • K. N. Wanchoo

  • M. Hidayatullah

  • J. C. Shah

  • S. M. Sikri

  • A. N. Ray

  • M. H. Beg

  • Y. V. Chandrachud

  • P. N. Bhagwati

  • R. S. Pathak

  • E. S. Venkataramiah

  • S. Mukharji

  • Ranganath Misra

  • K. N. Singh

  • M. H. Kania

  • L. M. Sharma

  • M. N. Venkatachaliah

  • A. M. Ahmadi

  • J. S. Verma

  • M. M. Punchhi

  • A. S. Anand

  • S. P. Bharucha

  • B. N. Kirpal

  • G. B. Pattanaik

  • V. N. Khare

  • S. Rajendra Babu

  • R.C. Lahoti

  • Y.K. Sabharwal

  • K. G. Balakrishnan

  • S. H. Kapadia

  • Altamas Kabir

  • P. Sathasivam

  • Rajendra Mal Lodha

Rivers in India

India is the country of river, where people worship the river. The most of rivers in India come from Himalaya. The Ganga is the holy river of India, people called "Mata" (mother). The India's river is the significance of country civilization and culture. Indians have worshipped rivers as a form of Mother Goddess from ancient times. Here the list of major river of India.

List of Rivers

  • Beas

  • Bhagirathi

  • Brahmaputra

  • Cauvery (Kaveri) .

  • Chambal

  • Ganga (Ganges) .

  • Godavari

  • Gomati

  • Indus

  • Jhelum

  • Kali

  • Krishna

  • Mandovi

  • Narmada

  • Periyar

  • Ravi

  • Sharavati

  • Sutlej

  • Tapti

  • Tungabhadra

  • Yamuna

Indian Flag Manufacturing

Information About Indian Flag, History of india flag, meaning of India Flag color
Manufacturing Indian flag is set up by a committee. There is some code of conduct to manufactured and hosting the flag. It specifies the cloth, dye, color, thread count and each and every thing about the flag. The Indian flag can only be made up of 'Khadi'. It is made up of two types of khadi one for its main part and the other one for the cloth which holds flag to the staff. If any one break this manufacturing rule, they can considered to be a serious offence liable to a fine or a jail term or both. The committee is also setup the several size of Indian flag these are following.

S. No--------------------Size
1---------------------6300 × 4200
2---------------------3600 × 2400
3---------------------2700 × 1800
4---------------------1800 × 1200
5---------------------1350 × 900
6---------------------900 × 600
7---------------------450 × 300
8---------------------225 × 150
9---------------------150 × 100

India Flag in 1931

Pingali Venkayya had brought new flag, when the Sikh community had not accepted all previous flags and demanding new flag. This flag had also a three color saffron, white and green. The Saffron color was on the top, in the middle and the green on the button. The saffron color shoos the strength, The green color shows the Indian agriculture and the earth. The white color at the middle of this flag and significance of truth, and shows India is fighting against lies and bad thing. The country have right and true sprit.

India Flag in 1921

The father of nation want to bring whole country together and this was for required for a symbol . And in 1921 the mahatma Gandhi repersented a flag and the flag was designed by Mahatma Gandhi. This flag had three color white, green and red. The white color on the top of flag, green in the middle and the red color was on the bottom of the flag.The pattern of this flag was based on the flag of Ireland, another nation which was struggling to get its independence from the rule of Britain. Although Congress Committee did not adopt it as its official flag but it was widely used as a symbol of nationality in India 'freedom struggle.

Meaning of India Flag color

White Color :The white color at the top of this flag and significance of truth, and shows India is fighting against lies and bad thing. The country have right and true sprit.

Green Color: The green color shows the Indian agriculture and the earth. The green color was on the middle of flag.

Red Color: Red color shows the sprit and struggle for freedom. The red color was on the bottom of the flag.

India Flag in 1916

In 1916, Dr. Annie Besant's and Lokamanya Tilak, had designed a new flag and this flag was hosted in Congress session in Calcutta The flag had for color red, green, white and blue. The all color in stripes manner. The stripes are red and green according to both Nair and Singh (five red, four green), while the Union Jack is in red and blue only. A crescent and a star, both in white, are set in top fly. The white color in the form of seven stars significance of Saptarishi.

India Flag in 1907

In 1906, the new flag was came and this flag was designed by Madam Bhikaji Cama, Veer Savarkar and Shyamji Krishna Varma. This flag was known by the name of Madam Bhikaji Rustom Cama's flag. This flag is almost similar to flag of 1906 with the exception of colors and the flower closest to hoist. In 22 August 1907. This flag was first Indian flag, when it was hosted in foreign country. The flag was to be hosted in Germany.

India Flag in 1906

Indian flag in 1906, came after Sister Nivedita's flag. This flag contains three color blue, yellow and red. The flag color's as strip on flag, and the blue strip had. eight stars of slightly different shapes, red strip color had two symbols. The first symbol was the Sun and the second was star. And the yellow color had Bade Matram. Now this is the national song of India. The Bande Matram was written in Devnagari script. This flag was shows the Indian unity and capacity of struggle for freedom.

Meaning of Flag Color

  • Blue Color : The blue color significance of equality and the rights of people.

  • The meaning of red color tells the the struggle. In 1906 India was struggling for freedom against British and it shows the Indian struggle.

  • Yellow Color :Yellow color shows the victory, and through this flag try to give message, that we Indian will must go for victory. And nothing is more than freedom.

In the same year another tricolor flag came, but in this flag the color was different . This flag color was orange, yellow and green. This tricolor flag was known by the name of culcutta flag. This flag was made by Sachindra Prasad Bose

Indian Flag in 1904

In 1904, when the first flag came with yellow and red color. This flag was made by Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda. Her name was Sister Nivedita. This flag was also known by the name Sister Nivedita's flago. The color of flag tells some story and gives the message for people. The red color of flag shows the struggle for freedom and yellow color shows for the victory. This flag contain figure of Vajra', weapon of god 'Indra', and a white lotus in the middle. The flag picture shows strength and depicts purity.

This flag had given a boost to the Indian freedom fighter In Kolkata .several freedom fighter fights under this flag.

Symbolism Of India Flag

Symbolism of Indian flag represent the whole country, whole people and whole communities. Indian flag is acceptable by all the communities. The Indian flag has three color Saffron, white and green. he flag has also a Chakra which has 24 spokes. The first vice president f India late Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan defined India flag as follows.

Bhagwa or the saffron color denotes renunciation or disinterestedness. Our leaders must be indifferent to material gains and dedicate themselves to their work. The white in the centre is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our relation to (the) soil, our relation to the plant life here, on which all other life depends. The "Ashoka Chakra" in the centre of the white is the wheel of the law of dharma. Truth or satya, dharma or virtue ought to be the controlling principle of those who work under this flag. Again, the wheel denotes motion. There is death in stagnation. There is life in movement. India should no more resist change, it must move and go forward. The wheel represents the dynamism of a peaceful.

India flag is symbol of piece, struggle, strength, unity, culture and progress. First Prime Minster of India said the national flag is not a symbol of country freedom only but it is symbol of freedom for all country.