India Flag in 1921

The father of nation want to bring whole country together and this was for required for a symbol . And in 1921 the mahatma Gandhi repersented a flag and the flag was designed by Mahatma Gandhi. This flag had three color white, green and red. The white color on the top of flag, green in the middle and the red color was on the bottom of the flag.The pattern of this flag was based on the flag of Ireland, another nation which was struggling to get its independence from the rule of Britain. Although Congress Committee did not adopt it as its official flag but it was widely used as a symbol of nationality in India 'freedom struggle.

Meaning of India Flag color

White Color :The white color at the top of this flag and significance of truth, and shows India is fighting against lies and bad thing. The country have right and true sprit.

Green Color: The green color shows the Indian agriculture and the earth. The green color was on the middle of flag.

Red Color: Red color shows the sprit and struggle for freedom. The red color was on the bottom of the flag.